Born in London, the son of an artist, Frank Dicksee is often thought of as a pre-Raphaelite but though much of his work does indeed correspond in tone and style to that of the Brotherhood, he was born too late to ever formally become a member. 
A popular artist of the Victorian and Edwardian era his work is often overshadowed today by those more famous who were once his associates such as John William Waterhouse and Edward Burne-Jones. 
He is best remembered now for themed paintings such as The Mirror and Chivalry though much of his commercial success was obtained from the many portraits he did of the wives and daughters of distinguished and often titled men. 
The Mirror 
La Belle Dame 
The Two Crowns 
An Offering 
Romeo and Juliet 
End of the Quest 
The Duet 
The Crisis 
Lady Hillingdon 
Lady Palmer 
Portrait of Elsa 
Tagged as: Art, Victorian
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