Greek Gods and Goddesses
Posted on 25th December 2020
There were many gods worshipped in ancient Greece, some more important than others.
Enjoy the list here.
Zeus - King of Gods and ruler of Mount Olympus. God of the Sky, Weather, Thunder and Lightning. God of Law, Order and Justice. Son of Cronus and Rhea and his brothers were Hades and Poseidon. He ruled the earth and sky; controlled the weather and threw lightning bolts and his thunderbolt like a spear.
Hera - Queen of the Gods, Goddess of Marriage, Childbirth, Heirs, Kings and Empires. Daughter of Cronus and Rhea, and wife and sister of Zeus. Many temples were built in her honour; her sacred animals were the cow, lion and peacock.
Poseidon - God of the Sea, Rivers, Floods, Droughts and Earthquakes. Son of Cronus and Rhea and brother of Zeus and Hades. His weapon was a trident; he was known to be bad tempered and miserable.
Hades - King of the Underworld and the Dead. Son of Cronus and Rhea and brother of Poseidon and Zeus. Lived mainly in the underworld and ruled over the dead. A most feared god who ruled with the help of his three-headed dog, Cerberus.
Ares - God of War, Bloodshed and Violence. Son of Zeus and Hera. Carried a shield, sword and spear and depicted as an armed warrior.
Aphrodite - Goddess of Beauty, Love, Desire and Pleasure. Considered one of the most beautiful of gods. Sacred animals were the sparrow, swan and dove.
Hephaestus - God of Fire, Blacksmiths and Craft and husband of Aphrodite. Helpers were giant one-eyed cyclops. He was depicted with a hammer, tongs and anvil; his sacred animals were donkey, guard dog and crane.
Apollo - God of Music, Arts, Knowledge, Healing, Plague and Prophecy. God of Poetry, Manly Beauty and Archery. Son of Zeus and Leto, twin brother of Artemis. Used a bow and arrow; sacred animals were swans, hawks, ravens, snakes and roe deer.
Artemis - Virgin Goddess of the Hunt, Wilderness and Animals. Goddess of Childbirth and Plague. Daughter of Zeus and Leto and twin sister of Apollo. Carried a hunting bow and arrows; sacred animals include deer, bears and boars.
Athena - Goddess of Intelligence, Skill, Peace, Warfare, Battle Strategy and Wisdom. Daughter of Zeus, her symbol was the Olive Tree; her sacred animal an owl.
Demeter - Goddess of Grain, Agriculture, Harvest, Growth and Nourishment. Daughter of Cronus and Rhea, sister of Zeus and Mother of Persephone; sacred animals were pigs and snakes.
Persephone - Goddess of the Underworld, Springtime, Flowers, Vegetation and Maidenhood. Daughter of Zeus and Demeter, abducted by Hades. Portrayed robed, carrying a sheaf of grain.
Dionysus - God of Wine, Parties, Festivals, Madness, Chaos, Drunkenness, Drugs and Ecstasy. Known for shape shifting; sacred animals were dolphins, serpents and tigers.
Hermes - God of Boundaries, Travel, Communication, Trade, Language and Writing, and Messenger of the Gods. Son of Zeus and Maia, known as the fastest of the gods. Wore a winged hat and winged sandals; sacred animal was the tortoise.
Hestia - Virgin Goddess of the Hearth, Home and Chastity. Daughter of Cronus and Rhea, sister of Zeus. Always appeared as a veiled woman.
Hebe - Goddess of Youth. Daughter of Zeus and Hera, Cup Bearer for gods and goddesses of Mount Olympus, serving their nectar and ambrosia.
Eileithyia - Goddess of Childbirth and Midwifery. Daughter of Zeus and Hera.
Enyo - Goddess of War and Destruction. Daughter of Zeus and Hera, lover of Ares. Depicted as ‘Supreme in War and Destruction of cities’, accompanying Ares into battle.
Titan and Titaness
Coeus - Titan God of Intellect. Son of Uranus (Heaven) and Gaia (Earth). Brother of Phoebe.
Crius - Father of Astraeus, Pallas and Perses.
Cronus - Leader of the Titans.
Hyperian - Titan of Light. Titan child of Gaia (Earth) and Uranus (Heaven). Father of Helios (Sun), Selene (Moon) and Eos (Dawn).
Iapetus - Titan of Mortality.
Mnemosyne - Titaness of Memory and Remembrance. Mother of the nine muses.
Oceanus - Titan of all encircling river oceans around the earth. Fount of all earths fresh water.
Phoebe - Titaness of Bright Intellect and Prophecy. Daughter of Uranus and Gaia, mother of Leto.
Rhea - Titaness of Fertility, Motherhood and Mountain Wilds. Sister and consort of Cronus. Mother of Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Hera, Demeter and Hestia.
Tethys - Titaness of Fresh Water. Mother of springs, streams and rivers. Sister and wife of Oceanus.
Theia - Titaness of Shining Light. Name means Divine. Daughter of Uranus and Gaia, Sister and consort of Hyperion. Mother of Helios (Sun), Selene (Moon), and Eos (Dawn).
Themis - Titaness of Divine Law and Order.
Asteria - Titaness of Nocturnal Oracles and Falling Stars.
Astraeus - Titan of Dusk, Stars, Planets and Astrology.
Atlas - Titan forced to carry heavens upon his shoulders by Zeus.
Aura - Titaness of Breeze and fresh air of early morning.
Clymene - Titaness of Renown, Fame and Infamy.
Dione - Titaness of the Oracle of Dodona.
Helios - Titan of the Sun, Guardian of Oaths.
Selene - Titaness of the Moon.
Eos - Titaness of the Dawn.
Epimetheus - Titan of Afterthought, Father of Excuses.
Eurybia - Titaness of the Mastery of the Seas.
Eurynome - Titaness of Water Meadows and Pasturelands.
Lelantos - Titan of Air and the Hunters skill of stalking prey.
Leto - Titaness of Motherhood, Mother of Artemis and Apollo.
Menoetius - Titan of Violent Anger, Rash Action and Human Mortality.
Metis - Titaness of Good Counsel, Advice, Planning Cunning and Wisdom.
Ophion - Elder Titan who ruled the earth.
Pallas - Titan of Warcraft.
Perses - Titan of Destruction.
Prometheus - Titan of Forethought and Crafty Counsel, Creator of Mankind.
Styx - Titaness of the Underworld river Styx and personification of Hatred.
Primordial Deities
Aether - God of the Upper Atmosphere and Light.
Ananke - Goddess of Inevitability, Compulsion and Necessity.
Chaos - Nothingness from which all else sprang.
Chronos - God of time.
Erebus - God of Darkness and Shadow.
Eros - God of Love and Attraction.
Hypnos - Personification of Sleep.
The Nesoi - Goddesses of Islands and Sea.
Uranus - God of the Heavens, Father of the Titans.
Gaia - Personification of the Earth, Mother of the Titans.
The Ourea - Gods of Mountains.
Phanes - God of Procreation.
Pontus - God of the Sea, Father of Fish and Sea Creatures.
Tartarus - God of Deepest, Darkest Underworld, the Tartarean Pit.
Thalassa - Personification of the consort of Pontus.
Thanatos - God of Death, Brother to Hypnos.
Hemera - Goddess of Day.
Nyx - Goddess of Night.
Nemesis - Goddess of Retribution.
Tagged as: Junior Ancient Greece
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