Roman Toys
Posted on 27th December 2020
Like many things in Rome, toys and the material used to make them would depend on the wealth of the parents. The wealthier the parents, the better quality of toys the children had.
Dolls – Made from straw, rags, clay and wax. Some of the clay and wax dolls even had moving joints for arms and legs. Both girls and boys played with dolls. Boys dolls were made in the form of gladiators with moving arms and legs
Animal figures - Also made from straw and wood.
Balls – Made from leather.
Wooden Swords – For boys to play war games pretending to be gladiators.
Wooden Hoops
Hobbyhorse – The quality and look of the hobbyhorse was dependent on the wealth of the parents.
Games such as hide and seek, dice and board games were also played.
Tagged as: Junior Ancient Rome
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