Senate of Rome
Posted on 27th December 2020
The Roman senate was a political institution that worked for nearly 500 years. It was a government in charge of passing all the laws and collecting taxes.
Men from all wealthy families entered the senate. It was managed by two elected consuls that would rule jointly for one year. These consuls would be leading citizens of Rome.
Consuls did not often disagree with the senate as they did not wish to be voted out of office during their one-year term. At the end of their term as consul, they would often become a member of the senate.
Although consuls only ruled for one year, the senate was a permanent body of government. The size of the senate varied greatly over the years and it was known to have ranged from as little as three hundred men up to nine hundred. Once a person entered the senate, they were a member for life.
In early roman times, the senate was made up of men from wealthy noble families, patrician families and magistrates. As time went on members of plebian families (commoners) also became members of the senate.
Tagged as: Junior Ancient Rome
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