Elizabeth Throckmorton
Posted on 29th June 2021
Elizabeth Throckmorton (known as Bess) was born on 16 April 1565, the only daughter to Nicholas Throckmorton, who served under many Tudor monarchs and his wife Anne Carew.
Elizabeth Throckmorton (known as Bess) was born on 16 April 1565, the only daughter to Nicholas Throckmorton, who served under many Tudor monarchs and his wife Anne Carew.
Bess’ father died when she was only six years old and little is known of her early life although she would have received a level of education.
In 1584, Arthur Throckmorton, her eldest brother found Bess a position as lady-in-waiting to Queen Elizabeth I, and she eventually became a Gentlewoman of the Privy Chamber, one of the Queen’s most intimate attendants.
As an attendant of the Royal Court, Bess was required to obtain the Queens permission to start a relationship, however she ignored this and engaged in a private relationship in 1590 with Sir Walter Raleigh, one of the Queens favourites. Bess became pregnant and she and Raleigh married in secret in 1591.
Bess hid the pregnancy from the Queen for as long as she could, finally moving to her brother’s house in London where she gave birth to her son Damerei in March 1592. Following the birth, the child was given to a wet-nurse and Bess returned to court.
Whispers started to circulate at court about a relationship between Bess and Raleigh and in May 1592 the Queen finally became aware of their marriage and the child. Queen Elizabeth was furious and imprisoned both Bess (Lady Raleigh) and Sir Walter Raleigh in the Tower of London. The couple’s infant son Damerei died while Bess was still imprisoned, but by the end of 1592 both Bess and Raleigh had been released from the Tower and banished from court.
Queen Elizabeth never forgave Bess for her betrayal and Bess never returned to court. She spent much of her time at Raleigh’s estate in Dorset, Sherborne Castle, where she gave birth to her second son Walter in 1593.
Bess remained devoted to Raleigh for the rest of her life, even though there were many long absences while Raleigh was away on his travels.
Following Elizabeth I’s death in 1603, James I came to the throne of England. When Bess gave birth to her third son Carew in January 1605, Raleigh had been imprisoned by James I for treason.
Bess fought long and hard for her husband’s freedom, but he was finally executed on 29 October 1618. It is said that Bess kept Raleigh’s head with her in a leather bag until the day she died. Even after Raleigh’s death, Bess continued to fight to restore her husband’s reputation and the right for her son to inherit.
Elizabeth Throckmorton died around 1647, her love and dedication to both her husband and her children was unwavering to the very end.
Tagged as: Junior Tudors
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